Receive 44.500 kroner tax-free when you use our sevice
When you rent out your Holiday Home through us, the first 44.500 kroner of the rental earnings is tax-free. And furthermore, 40% of the remaining earnings is tax-free as well. It can quickly become good business to rent out a Holiday Home.

Campaya is your new and digital rental bureau
You're the one in charge. You can adjust your rental solution 100% to your liking. I have no commitment and the lowest kommission on the market when it comes to rental, cleaning and other service of your Holiday Home included.

How much can you earn with different types of Holiday Homes?
Big or small? Blue or black? If your Holiday Home is well-kept and in good condition, then you can earn some money.
Simple Holiday Homes
The classic and simple Holiday Homes without all the bells and whistles can still be rented out . The level of earnings varies depending on location and quality.
You can earn: 30.000 - 140.000 kr.

Standard Holiday Home
An average-sized, well-kept Holiday Home with room for six to eight people can earn a decent amount - depending on location.
You can earn: 100.000 - 220.000 kr.

Holiday Homes with special qualities
Holiday Homes with activity rooms, pool or unique locations and architecture and earn a considerable amount which can vary.
You can earn: 230.000 - 500.000 kr.

We work together with all the big booking portals
Your holiday home will be shown on all the biggest rental portals such as Airbnb,, Expedia, Google Vacation, Rentals, HomeToGo, Feline, VRBO, Holidu,,, Cofman and many, many more.
You get record visibility at the best price on the market.

Questions and answers
Can renting finance my holiday home?
How are the tax rules more precise?
What is your commission?
How much visibility does my holiday home get?
Can the commission be lower than 20%?
Do you take care of the cleaning?
Can you rent out my holiday home throughout the country?
You can also contact us here
Then we will reply as soon as possible :-)